Thurs. 2/6: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the community
Morning: Gen. 39, Mark 9 Eve: Job 5, Rom. 9
1. Pray for our brothers & sisters next door at Crescent Heights, that they would shine the light of Christ’s grace and be an encouragement to the community there.
2. Thinking of our ministry partners in North America, let us remember Gate Pregnancy Center their work of promoting the sanctity of human life in Cabarrus County.
3. Pray for the Lord to give us His vision of church planting within us and within our Presbytery.
4. As we pray for the churches of our Presbytery, this week let us pray for Shearer Presbyterian Church in Moorseville, and for Steve Stout, who is serving as pastor.
Fri. 2/7: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the nation
Morning: Gen. 40, Mark 10 Eve: Job 6, Rom. 10
1. Pray for our leaders following 1 Tim. 2:1-2: ...I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
2. Let us also pray for unity in our nation under the oversight of a new administration.
3. Pray for those affected by the fires in California and those serving to fight the blazes. Pray, too, for those ministering to displaced families and communities.
4. Pray for revival to sweep across our nation.
Sat 2/8: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the World
Morning: Gen. 41, Mark 11 Eve: Job 7, Rom. 11
1. Thinking of our global missions partners. Today let us pray for Jim & Caty Tate, who travel worldwide to preach the Gospel and to teach in other nations and cultures how to care for the unborn and elderly.
2. Pray for Mission to the World, The PCA’s world mission agency.
Sun. 2/9: Flourishing in God’s Grace on the Lord’s Day
Morning: Gen. 42, Mark 12 Eve: Job 8, Rom. 12
1. Pray for those leading worship along with those who will be preaching and teaching.
2. Pray for the world-wide church as many Christians gather in the midst of persecution, poverty, and tribulation.
3. Pray for all attending church this morning, that God would prepare hearts to hear the Gospel.
Mon. 2/10: Flourishing in God’s Grace in your personal life
Morning: Gen 43, Mark 13, Eve: Job 9, Rom. 13
1. Begin this week asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in living a life of faith. Use the song, Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God (opposite side) as a prayer to the Lord.
2. Meditate on our passage of the year (above), turning it into a prayer for your own life.
Tues. 2/11: Flourishing in God’s Grace in your home
Morning: Gen 44, Mark 14 Eve: Job 10, Rom. 14
1. Pray for the Lord to be active in your home, ruling and guiding everyone into a closer relationship with Him through Christ Jesus.
2. Pray for our children and youth to be growing in Christ Jesus, and to know what it means to live as becomes a follower of Christ.
3. Pray for those in your family who are not walking with the Lord nor living lives pleasing to Him. Pray for His Spirit to pursue them and call them to Himself.
Wed. 2/12: Flourishing in Grace in our church family
Morning: Gen.45, Mark 15 Eve: Job 11, Rom. 15
1. Ask the Spirit of Christ to create within our church family the unity and “oneness” that He desires for us and that He is even now praying on behalf for us.
2. Pray for Tosha Downing and the covenant child within her and who is due in March. Pray also for those in our church who desire to grow their families through birth or adoption.
3. Continue to remember Katy Kluttz in your prayers as she’s undergoing radiation treatments. Pray that she tolerates the treatments well and that the cancer is targeted and “dies”.
4. Thinking of our church ministry teams, this week pray for the Local Global Team and their call to help us remain connected to the missionaries we support.
5. Pray for the Lord to raise up new teachers in our children’s ministry as well as volunteers to help with the audio & visual needs during services.
Thurs. 2/13: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the community
Morning: Gen. 46, Mark 16 Eve: Job 12, Rom. 16
1. Pray for our brothers & sisters next door at Crescent Heights, that they would shine the light of Christ’s grace and be an encouragement to the community there.
2. Thinking of our ministry partners in North America, let us remember Meals-On-Wheels, and pray for those from Providence who are driving today in service.
3. Pray for the Lord to give us His vision of church planting within us and within our Presbytery.
4. As we pray for the churches of our Presbytery, this week let us pray for Southlake Presbyterian Church in Huntersville, and for Dan King, who is serving as pastor.
Fri. 2/14: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the nation
Morning: Gen. 47, Luke 1:1-38 Eve: Job 13, 1 Cor. 1
1. Pray for our leaders following 1 Tim. 2:1-2: ...I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
2. Let us also pray for unity in our nation under the oversight of a new administration.
3. Pray for those affected by the fires in California and those serving to fight the blazes. Pray, too, for those ministering to displaced families and communities.
4. Pray for revival to sweep across our nation.
Sat 2/15: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the World
Morning: Gen. 48, Luke 1:39-80 Eve: Job 14, 1 Cor. 2
1. Thinking of our global missions partners. Today let us pray for Khen & Rith Tombing as they oversee Covenant Children’s Home in Manipur, India.
2. Pray for Mission to the World, The PCA’s world mission agency.
Sun. 2/16: Flourishing in God’s Grace on the Lord’s Day
Morning: Gen. 49, Luke 2 Eve: Job 15, 1 Cor. 3
1. Pray for those leading worship along with those who will be preaching and teaching.
2. Pray for the world-wide church as many Christians gather in the midst of persecution, poverty, and tribulation.
3. Pray for all attending church this morning, that God would prepare hearts to hear the Gospel.