Thurs. 3/13: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the community
Morning: Ex. 24, John 3 Eve: Job 42, 2 Cor. 12
1. Pray for Lori Milo and her family as they seek the Lord’s wisdom and grace in caring for Lori’s aging mother, Betty.
2. Look to the panel to the right which lists our coming events. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use these opportunities to advance the message of the Gospel.
3. Thinking of our ministry partners in North America, let us remember George Sayour who is the new Minister to State for NC. Pray for the Lord to bless his support raising efforts.
4. Pray for the Lord to give us His vision of church planting within us and within our Presbytery.
5. Remembering the churches of our Presbytery, let us pray for Back Creek Pres. Church in Mount Ulla, and for their search committee in seeking a new pastor to shepherd the congregation.
Fri. 3/14: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the nation
Morning: Ex. 25, John 4 Eve: Prov. 1, 2 Cor. 13
1. Pray for our leaders following 1 Tim. 2:1-2: ...I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
2. Let us pray for peace and unity in our nation as new policies and orders are being implemented and many lives are being disrupted. Pray too for the Spirit of Christ to bring revival to our nation.
Sat 3/15: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the World
Morning: Ex. 26, John 5 Eve: Prov. 2, Gal. 1
1. Thinking of our global missions partners, let us pray for Josh & Kristi serving with Serge in East Africa. They have requested that the Lord provides them with wisdom and joy in their call to lead the missions team there.
2. Pray for Mission to the World, The PCA’s world mission agency.
Sun. 3/16: Flourishing in God’s Grace on the Lord’s Day
Morning: Ex. 27, John 6 Eve: Prov. 3, Gal. 2
1. Pray for those leading worship along with those who will be preaching and teaching.
2. Pray for the world-wide church as many Christians gather in the midst of persecution, poverty, and tribulation.
3. Pray for all attending church this morning, that God would prepare hearts to hear the Gospel.
Mon. 3/17: Flourishing in God’s Grace in your personal life
Morning: Ex. 28, John 7, Eve: Prov. 4, Gal. 3
1. Look back through the Order of Worship and choose a song to pray through as you begin a new week. Ask for the Lord to show you how you can better flourish in Him.
2. Pray through our passage of the year (above), asking the Lord for a greater desire for blamelessness.
Tues. 3/18: Flourishing in God’s Grace in your home
Morning: Ex. 29, John 8 Eve: Prov. 5, Gal. 4
1. Pray for the Father to be active in your home, leading, guiding, and nurturing everyone into a closer relationship with Him and with each other through Christ Jesus.
2. Pray for our children and youth to be growing in Christ Jesus, and to learn how to develop the disciplines of personal bible reading and prayer.
3. Pray for those in your family who are not walking with the Lord nor living lives that are pleasing to Him. Pray for His Spirit to pursue them and call them to Himself.
Wed. 3/19: Flourishing in Grace in our church family
Morning: Ex. 30, John 9 Eve: Prov. 6, Gal. 5
1. Ask the Spirit of Christ to enable us to love one another as He commands us, and that we would be led to pursue unity and peace, and to seek to live as becomes the followers of Christ.
2. Praise the Lord for Briar Louise Downing, born to Natosha & Joe Downing on March 7th. Pray for rest and recovery as the family welcomes this new covenant child.
3. Pray also for those in our church who desire to grow their families through birth or adoption.
4. Thank the Lord who has given Katy Kluttz joy through the midst of serious health trials, and that she has completed all her cancer treatments. Pray for discernment as Katy & Andy discuss with doctors about all the next steps in moving forward.
5. Regarding our ministry teams, pray for our Journey Kids Team and their call to minister to our children. Pray, too, for the Lord to provide Providence with more families who have children.
Thurs. 3/20: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the community
Morning: Ex. 31, John 10 Eve: Prov. 7, Gal. 6
1. Pray for Lori Milo and her family as they seek the Lord’s wisdom and grace in caring for Lori’s aging mother, Betty.
2. Look to the panel to the right which lists our coming events. Pray for the Spirit to use these opportunities to advance the message of the Gospel and to make disciples.
3. Thinking of our ministry partners in North America, let us remember Stephen & Karen Baldwin and their calling to mentor church planters around the nation.
4. Pray for the Lord to give us His vision of church planting within us and within our Presbytery.
5. Remembering the churches of our Presbytery, let us pray for Christ Church at Rivers Edge in Belmont, and for Bill Troutman, its pastor.
Fri. 3/21: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the nation
Morning: Ex. 32, John 11 Eve: Prov. 8, Eph. 1
1. Pray for our leaders following 1 Tim. 2:1-2: ...I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
2. Let us pray for peace and unity in our nation as new policies and orders are being implemented and many lives are being disrupted. Pray too for the Spirit of Christ to bring revival to our nation.
Sat 3/22: Flourishing in God’s Grace in the World
Morning: Ex. 33, John 12 Eve: Prov. 9, Eph. 2
1. Thinking of our global missions partners, let us pray for Jim & Caty Tate and their call to teach about the sanctity and dignity of life throughout the world.
2. Pray for Mission to the World, The PCA’s world mission agency.
Sun. 3/23: Flourishing in God’s Grace on the Lord’s Day
Morning: Ex. 34, John 13 Eve: Prov. 10, Eph. 3
1. Pray for those leading worship along with those who will be preaching and teaching.
2. Pray for the world-wide church as many Christians gather in the midst of persecution, poverty, and tribulation.
3. Pray for all attending church this morning, that God would prepare hearts to hear the Gospel.