
I left the church because I found so little grace there. I came back because I found grace no where else.  –Philip Yancey

What is unique about Providence?

Just like people, churches tend to take on certain personalities. The personality of Providence can be summed up by the phrase “a work in progress.”

God has called us to love Him (Mark 12:30) and to make disciples (Matthew 28:19), but we don’t always get it right. Or sometimes we’re simply distracted by the busyness of life, and God’s mission for us is neglected. As much as we want to portray the image of having a perfect church, the truth is we don’t. Admitting this then gives God something to work with.

What’s unique at Providence is that we readily acknowledge our brokenness before God and are asking Him to make us better. This is why the characteristics of discipleship at Providence are those of authenticity. We’ve learned not to take ourselves too seriously and to be quick to laugh at our own feeble attempts at creating the “perfect church that churns out the perfect disciple.”

The sub points of our vision keep us focused: GATHER, GROW, and EXTEND. All of these are action words that are centered on the grace of God.

Gather: We have been gathered by God to form a unique church which He has put together.

Grow: We grow in spiritual maturity by the motivation of grace (not a list of do’s and don’t’s).

Extend: The more we gather and the more we grow, the more we are used by God to extend his grace to those around us.

If you would like to know more about our vision, click here.

Further links where Providence is connected:

Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

Mission to the World

Mission to North America

Catawba Valley Presbytery


